by Tricia
I received a comment from a visitor who is looking to reduce debt and was wondering how she could start a blog. A fellow personal finance blogger wrote an excellent article on how to do it, and you can find her article here.
A few things that I will note is that I started my blog on This is a free service that is owned by Google. The only problem with using a free site is that there is often times you cannot get into to your blog and you are limited with the things you can do.
I did recently move my blog to my own domain name and obtained very reasonable hosting. Depending on what company you use and the offers available, you can obtain hosting from $4.00/month to $12.00/month. The company I host with actually has an easy installation available for one of the most popular blogging platforms, WordPress. WordPress also has free hosting for blogs.
I believe that starting this blog was the best thing for me to do. I feel accountable because my words are out on the internet for anyone to read. When I have the urge to purchase something, I now think about my blog and my readers. Do I want to let them down?
If you decide to start a blog to help you reduce your debt, please let me know. Support is so important when making a big change in your life. In addition to this blog, I also am a member of the No Credit Needed Network. Even if you don’t have a blog, you can sign up over there and NCN will make a nice chart for you showing your starting debt and your progress. He’s also a great motivator and if he sees you straying from the path to become debt-free, he will send you an email showing his concern.
If you have any other questions, please let me know. I will do my best to answer, or provide links to information that will help you.