:::: MENU ::::

Where are the Posts?


I feel bad. I try to post at least once a day and perhaps even twice. I always like reading things that are updated often so I have been trying to do it.

I just am having a REALLY rough week time-wise. I stayed up all night on Monday night to get some work done and Tuesday night (well, Wednesday morning) I crashed around 1am and overslept for work. Not good. So I ended up being a little behind. So I was playing major catch-up today and I am just pooped.

I tried writing a thoughtful post, but I can’t. Unfortunately, I still have some work to do tonight and probably won’t be able to crash until around 2am.

In light of this, I’ve made a decision. One of my part time jobs is going bye-bye. I really dislike quitting jobs, but I have to for my sanity. I am just too overextended.

It will affect our debt reduction a little bit. I was making about $100/month at that job. Now I just have to figure out if there is anything else that we can cut spending wise to make up for it and the perfect culprit is groceries and dining! That is one of our biggest trouble areas.

More on how I plan on doing that later. Shortly, I’m going to lay down and get a few zzzz’s before my husband gets home. He will hopefully be able to wake me up and I can work for a while and go back to bed.

I am soooo looking forward to the weekend.

Who Will Be Number 10,000?


I noticed earlier today that I am getting close to 10,000 visitors at my new home so I decided to show the count on my Sitemeter stats (left hand side).

As I write this, it’s only a few people away from hitting that milestone.

I can’t help but wonder who it will be….

Times like these I wish I had something to give away!

To everyone who visited and made it possible to reach 10,000 – I thank you for stopping by 🙂