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I’m Here…Just Under the Weather


Just a quick note to let everyone know I’m still here. I usually post daily, but over the weekend I picked up some type of bug. My poor little guy got it too, so we are two happy campers – LOL.

He’s already feeling better today so I should be almost back to normal hopefully tomorrow, which is good because that means May 31 updates 🙂

It Was Hard to do, But We Made a “Fun” Purchase


Part of the compromise with my husband was to spend some money on “fun” things this summer. I admit, I was so focused on eliminating debt that I soon forgot about having some fun. After we put them in our shopping cart, I told my husband to head for the check-out before I change my mind – LOL.

We bought one 2-Person inflatable kayak and one 1-person.

And let me tell you, we took them out today and had a blast!! My son keeps saying, “Thank you for the fun day.” It was worth the purchase price to see the smile on his face as we were paddling across the lake.

I have a feeling we will get a great deal of use out of these kayaks and I know they were worth the money. And the best part of all – they were paid with cash!!

I hope everyone else is enjoying the weekend!