by Tricia
It’s past my bedtime, but I thought I’d mention a few things while they are on my mind.
I haven’t posted as much as I would have liked to this week. I guess I just have been a little bummed about having to use my credit card to buy groceries.
But I am happy to report that just a few minutes ago I paid the amount back that I spent and I also sent some extra money to another credit card. Total debt as of this moment – $31,429. This time I made sure I left enough “fun” money in the account to stick to the compromise made with my husband 😉
I also wanted to warn everyone that there may be another make-over shortly. Although I like this template, the small width of my posts is making it difficult to post screenshots. I still owe a post about tracking cash in Quicken, but now I am having troubles getting the screen shots to post so you can read them. I am hoping to finalize the new one this weekend.
As always, thanks for your patience and thanks for reading.