by Tricia

When we purchased our first home, we made a big decision. No gas powered mower. I think most of our neighbors give a chuckle when they see us see us mowing our decent-sized yard with our reel mower, but that’s okay.
We wouldn’t have it any other way.
1.) My son can mow with his little toy mower basically right next to me. I don’t have to worry about things shooting out at blazingly fast speeds and hurting someone. Also, when I stop, the mower blades stop. I love our mower for the safety aspect of it.
2.) We don’t have to worry about purchasing gas which is really handy right now with the higher gas prices. It’s funny how a decision made almost three years ago is really helping to save money right now.
3.) You get some great exercise. All you have to do is walk the mower around your yard and you get some exercise as well as a nice looking lawn.
4.) It’s quiet! Although not completely silent, it is quiet compared to a gas-powered mower. We can easily mow or lawn during times that would usually be off-limits for a gas-powered mower.
Not only was our mower very nicely priced ($80), it has been an excellent addition to our simple life. If you have never tried one, give it a spin. You just might like it.