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Still Searching for Life Insurance


Searching for life insurance shouldn’t be hard, but somehow I’ve made it harder than it probably has to be. I am just so cautious sometimes.

Here’s my dilemma, I need insurance without a physical or a blood test. I don’t have health insurance and I wouldn’t want anything being uncovered. My worry is then if there is something wrong with my husband or me it could be considered a pre-existing condition when we can get health insurance. Perhaps that would never happen – but so far I haven’t been able to find solid documentation otherwise. A lot of the “no physical” places almost seem like a scam (although I know they probably aren’t) but I am overly cautious.

Anyone out there purchase term life insurance with no physical and care to comment on the company (or even email it to me?). I could use a few thoughts from someone who has purchased from these companies before.


Maybe I Have the Makings of a Millionaire After All


I’m still plugging away at reading “The Millionaire Next Door” and I’m around page 90 now. My progress has been slower than I’d like – but the slower pace is leaving lots of time to reflect on what I just read.

Even though I have realized things that I need to work on with myself (like a possible tendency to overspend and I need to learn to dream bigger), I have realized that I share some traits with millionaires:

1.) I spend great care keeping track of my finances. Most millionaires interviewed for the book can tell you what they spent on certain expenses at a certain time. I can do that too, thanks to being real picky with Quicken and keeping track of everything (including cash). I am a big believer in keeping track of where your money goes.

2.) When it comes to vehicles, most of the millionaires in the book lean towards practical purchases versus “glitsy” ones. An example given is how can you go fishing with a Rolls Royce and throw a fish in the back seat? My thoughts exactly! Just give me a ‘ole pick-up truck that runs and I am happy 🙂

The more and more I read this book, the more I wish I had an opportunity to chit-chat with some of the millionaires they talked to. I think they are the type of people I wouldn’t mind going fishing with. Before I read this book – I didn’t have that viewpoint. The stereotype of a millionaire I had in my mind is being broken down.