by Tricia
2million is the host for this week’s Carnival of Personal Finanace this week. My post included over there is where my money goes. Have fun everyone checking out the great articles.
A special thanks to 2million for hosting this week! 🙂
by Tricia
2million is the host for this week’s Carnival of Personal Finanace this week. My post included over there is where my money goes. Have fun everyone checking out the great articles.
A special thanks to 2million for hosting this week! 🙂
by Tricia
While trying to fall asleep one night, I was looking around my bedroom and started thinking about how many things I have in my bedroom that I don’t really need. Then I started thinking about other rooms of the house and before I knew it I had a mental list many pages long.
Going through that exercise helped me realize two things:
1.) I have bought many things over the years that I really didn’t need. Going through and really thinking about everything, I see things that were purchased that I thought I needed, but really didn’t. With just doing this exercise mentally, I can only imagine how many more pages would be added when I actually look around every room and physically check every nook and cranny.
2.) I have the makings for a pretty good garage sale. I don’t like having a garage sale unless I have quite a few items to sell. After taking the mental inventory, I realize that I have more I can sell than I thought I did. So, my project for this summer is to have a garage sale and all proceeds will go directly towards debt. What I will do is go room to room just like I did with my mental inventory and have a large box ready to throw everything in.
I’m glad I did this. It gave me a lot to think about the next time I want to buy something. I’ll also hopefully have some more money to put towards debt after having a good-sized garage sale 🙂