by Tricia
I don’t have anything to write at the moment – I’ve been a little strapped for time. But, there is no lack of things to post in my mind, so I thought I would give everyone some things to look forward to next week (or this weekend if time permits).
I will be giving a tip on how to track cash spending in Quicken. Cash spending is so easy to lose track of and to really get a good picture of where your money is going you need a system in place. If you already use Quicken, tune in for a tip complete with screenshots.
I also want to discuss why I don’t believe parents should pay for their children’s college education in full. My view comes straight from my experience and I am not going to “sugar coat” it. Mom – don’t read my entries next week 🙂
The last “teaser” I’ll write for now is that I will be revealing where exactly my money goes. Not everyone will be interested in knowing about that – but I feel it could bring up some great discussions on how I cut costs and how others do too. So, if you are interested in taking a look – tune in.
Thanks everyone, and have a great weekend 🙂