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What’s Coming Up Next Week…


I don’t have anything to write at the moment – I’ve been a little strapped for time. But, there is no lack of things to post in my mind, so I thought I would give everyone some things to look forward to next week (or this weekend if time permits).

I will be giving a tip on how to track cash spending in Quicken. Cash spending is so easy to lose track of and to really get a good picture of where your money is going you need a system in place. If you already use Quicken, tune in for a tip complete with screenshots.

I also want to discuss why I don’t believe parents should pay for their children’s college education in full. My view comes straight from my experience and I am not going to “sugar coat” it. Mom – don’t read my entries next week 🙂

The last “teaser” I’ll write for now is that I will be revealing where exactly my money goes. Not everyone will be interested in knowing about that – but I feel it could bring up some great discussions on how I cut costs and how others do too. So, if you are interested in taking a look – tune in.

Thanks everyone, and have a great weekend 🙂

Credit Card Debt as of 4/30/06: $34,070


Since I’ve started blogging in February, my credit card debt has been reduced by $3,544 (the credit card report has been updated as well in my progress to date). Thanks everyone for helping to keep me motivated!! I am seeing a change in my debt situation and I like it 🙂

Things were made even better yesterday when my husband’s mom called. She just got the $1,775 check in the mail for the loan they gave us when we purchased our home. I guess she really didn’t need the money and she said she wrote all over the check voiding it and will be sending it back. I guess her bringing up the loan didn’t mean they needed it. We were also told it was officially a gift.

If you happened to stop by late last night you would have noticed that my net worth actually increased even further to $-50,240. I went in and updated the numbers. I’m only $240 away from reaching the $-50,000 mark. Woohoo!

Overall, April was a great month and May is off to a great start as well. My tax returns have been a great “booster” to paying down some debt. Going forward, it’s all going to be about cutting costs, being frugal and living simple. I have to devote a large chunk of my income to debt if I want to reach my goal. I also may be looking into ways to consolidating my debt to obtain lower interest rates.

Stay tuned 🙂