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Frugal Tips, Time Management – This Housecleaning e-Book has it All


Right now in my life I have so much work and projects going on that I don’t have much time to clean. Luckily, my husband has been helping, our our house could be considered a disaster area.

It’s not that I like my house a mess, I just I have so many other things to do with my time and most of them produce needed income. My lack of time was the appeal when I was contacted to review the e-book, “The Happy Slob’s Guide to Housecleaning.”

The author, Christina Spence, is very candid and very funny with how she presents the task of housecleaning. The tone is just great, and while the e-book discussed housecleaning, it almost made me get up from my chair, forget about the work, and clean!

Christina developed a 3-Step Solution that she describes in detail in her book and it really works. It takes the sometimes daunting task of housecleaning and breaks it down into simpler tasks. How ingenious! And with the tone of the book, “a lived in look is fine, since you do live in your home, right? I thought so,” this author isn’t cracking a whip telling you that your house has to be spotless. She understands that life happens and if you can’t get to something today, you can get to it another day.

An extra bonus with the book that I was not expecting was the information on how to make your own cleaners. For the frugal-minded like myself, it was a treat! Now I know how to make my own disenfectant, window cleaner and more.

If you are looking for a way to simplify your housecleaning routine, make your own cleaners or just looking for a laugh I would definitely check out this eBook. It’s a book that was a joy to read and I learned a lot of great things. Maybe it could help some of you out there too. Just so everyone knows, this is a straight book review and I am in no way affiliated with the author.

You can find out more about this book and being a “Happy Slob” at http://www.happyslob.com. Christina also has a “Happy Slob” blog at http://happyslob.blogspot.com

Tags: cleaning, housecleaning

Carnival of Personal Finance #46 is Up!


Hey! It’s carnival time again, and the Carnival of Personal Finance is loaded with goodies to read. Go check it out at Consumerism Commentary.

A thank you to Flexo for hosting this week 🙂

Technorati Tags: carnival, personal+finance