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A Financial What?


I was recently metioned at The Financial Ladder because I decided to strip down and reveal my income.

I owe a special thank you for the mention under a very interesting title 😉

Technorati Tags: personal+finance

Bad Money Decision Confession Time #2


That was fun and it felt good to get a bad money decision off my chest a few days ago. Why not do it a few more times? 😉

Bad Money Decision #2

Two words…I smoke. Not only is it unhealthy for my finances – it is unhealthy period. I started smoking when I was fourteen, a young girl looking for a way to rebel. I found it in smoking, but now I can hear my lungs rattle when I breathe and I have a cough that lingers.

I want to quit so bad. Gosh knows I’ve tried. But the addiction is so strong and my stress level – well, my crutch for handling stressful times are my smokes. I joke because some of the best ideas that I have had have come to me while standing outside smoking. I guess you can call them my killer thinkin’ sticks.

I don’t like spending so much for a pack of cigarettes. I think it costs over $5.00 a pack now. If you noticed – I said “I think”. That’s because I found a way to be a frugal smoker. I’ve been rolling my own cigarettes since 2003. Instead of spending over $150/month I am only spending around $30/month.

Boy, I just re-read the above and it sounds like I am just full of excuses. Any habit, whether good or bad, is so darn hard to break.

Technorati Tags: smoking, quit+smoking, money