by Tricia
I am starting to wonder what the heck is wrong with me. I have had plenty of time to think about what to do with a refund from my credit card. I received some great comments when I posted my dilemma earlier on my blog, and I had the $5,600 all set and ready to go to Credit Card #4. The payment was scheduled for tomorrow.
Then today, I got real nervous. I almost wonder if I was starting to have a panic attack. Doubt filled my mind and then I started thinking of all of these reasons why I should pay Credit Card #2 instead.
Ugh. This is annoying. I don’t think I have ever been so indecisive in my life. Wait – who am I kidding? I’m about as indecisive as they come sometimes.
I don’t want to bore everyone with the thoughts that run through my (what I now believe to be) crazy mind. But I think what I am going to do is flip a coin. Let fate fall where it may because I cannot come to a decision.
Times like these, I wish I had a Magic 8 Ball handy 🙂