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Freeze My Credit Card Please


I read a while ago a little trick to help curb impulse buying with your credit card. You get a freezer-safe container, fill it with water, place your credit card in it and then stick it in the freezer. The time it will take to melt so you can use your credit card will give you enough time to really think about if you need the thing you want to buy.

Technorati Tags: credit, credit+card, impulse+buying

Oh My – My Identity Theft Scare


Oh my….

I had probably one of the biggest financial scares of my life.

I am signed up with a credit monitoring company mostly for peace of mind. I know that if someone tries to do something in my name – I will be notified ASAP and I can stop quite a bit of damage before it occurs.

I got my normal weekly emails, but I got one sooner than normal saying that I have an “alert”. Sometimes that is normal due to fluctuations in my credit balances, but I opened up that email and it said that there was a new birthdate on file for me as well as a new account! I hadn’t opened up a new account and I sure didn’t change my birthday!

I frantically logged onto my account, and breathed a sigh of relief. The new account was due to one of my credit cards issuing new cards (due to expiration dates approaching) and the change in my birthday was due to the lack of using my day of birth by a creditor.

So – everything was fine! If you could see me right now, I am actually taking a break from typing and wiping my brow while saying “whew.”

It may seem weird that someone with as much debt as I have would spend money to have my credit monitored. But I do. It gives me peace of mind, and a bit of power knowing that if something does happen, I am notified almost immediately. I like having that sense of security and peace of mind.

Technorati Tags: credit+card, identity+theft, credit+card+balance, credit+monitoring, credit, email+alert