:::: MENU ::::

Sharing a Quote on Determination


Wow, it’s pretty late for me to be posting today. You’ll have to excuse me – I have been feeling under the weather today and couldn’t think straight enough to compose a post.

I’ve improved since earlier, but I will take things easy and just share a quote on determination today. I hope you enjoy, and I hope I am back to my regular self tomorrow 🙂

“It is common sense to take a method and try it. If it fails, admit it frankly and try another. But above all, try something.”

– Franklin D. Roosevelt

Tags: determination+quote, quote

I Can’t Hold it in any Longer …


I was trying to wait until I have the time to write a longer post and have a screenshot and everything – but what the hey, I can’t contain myself …

Credit Card #4 is Paid Off!!!!!!!!

So, the only remaining credit cards are #1, #2 and #6.

Thanks everyone who suggested that I target Credit Card #4. It sure feels good to see it at zero and I can’t wait to see if they offer a nice balance transfer offer 🙂

Tag: credit+card