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Bad Money Decision Confession Time #2


That was fun and it felt good to get a bad money decision off my chest a few days ago. Why not do it a few more times? 😉

Bad Money Decision #2

Two words…I smoke. Not only is it unhealthy for my finances – it is unhealthy period. I started smoking when I was fourteen, a young girl looking for a way to rebel. I found it in smoking, but now I can hear my lungs rattle when I breathe and I have a cough that lingers.

I want to quit so bad. Gosh knows I’ve tried. But the addiction is so strong and my stress level – well, my crutch for handling stressful times are my smokes. I joke because some of the best ideas that I have had have come to me while standing outside smoking. I guess you can call them my killer thinkin’ sticks.

I don’t like spending so much for a pack of cigarettes. I think it costs over $5.00 a pack now. If you noticed – I said “I think”. That’s because I found a way to be a frugal smoker. I’ve been rolling my own cigarettes since 2003. Instead of spending over $150/month I am only spending around $30/month.

Boy, I just re-read the above and it sounds like I am just full of excuses. Any habit, whether good or bad, is so darn hard to break.

Technorati Tags: smoking, quit+smoking, money

Scams – They Keep Getting Better and Better


If you have email, you’ve probably received at least one of the “Nigeria” scam variations. My latest one actually uses my last name and claims I have a relative who died. Check it out:

Dear (used my last name),

I am highly delighted to be in contact with you and sorry for the embarrassment this mail might be to you as we have not met or known each other before.

My name is Mr. Daniel O***. I was a good friend to Late Mr. Roy J. (my last name), a national of your country, who until his death has no wife nor son or daughter to claim his assets hence he was buried here.

He was a contractor and spent most of his life in my country Nigeria. Mr. Roy J. (my last name) was involved in a car accident along Benin/Onitsha express road and unfortunately lost his life on the 27th day of September 2004 at Onitsha. Since then I have made several inquiries through your country embassy to locate any of my friends extended relatives, this has proved unsuccessful hence he did not leave a trace of his relatives abroad.

After these several unsuccessful attempts, I decided to contact you since all my effort to trace or locate any member of his family failed me, so that you as a foreigner will assist me as my late friend next-of-kin in claiming the Capital valued of US $7.5 million left behind by my friend before it gets confiscated by the Finance Company where these huge deposits was lodged.

The said Finance Company in Nigeria has issued me a notice to provide the next of Kin or have the Fund confiscated. Since I have been unsuccessful In locating any of my friend’s relatives for over Seven Months now, I seek your consent to present you as the Next-of-kin of the deceased since you have the same last name with my late friend, so that the proceeds of this US $7.5 million can be paid to you and we will share it on any agreed percentage ratio.

Therefore, on receipt of your positive respond, we shall then discuss the sharing ratio and modalities for claim. I have all the necessary information needed to back you up the claim. All I require from you is your honest cooperation to enable us see this transaction through.

I guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and me from any breach of the law.

Please send me your word immediately so that I can give you further information about this matter, and also provide a telephone number where Ican call to talk with you.

Best regards,

Mr. Daniel O***.

If I had the time or the courage, it could be fun to see this through a little bit. But, I am shy so I won’t do it. But, someone has and you can read about her adventures with scammers here:


It’s a great read 😉

Technorati Tag: scam