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My February Net Worth!


Drumroll please……..here it is, my February net worth:

January net worth: $-52,200.

My net worth increased by $300!!! It may not seem like much, but it is a start! I thought for sure I was going down, but I didn’t and I am VERY happy!!

There is a neat website to go to where you can keep track of your net worth, and look at the net worth of others: http://www.networthiq.com. That’s where I am listed, and here is a link to my profile.

Technorati Tags: net+worth

I am BACK!! Woohooo!!


It’s taken some time to transfer everything over – but I believe I have all my posts back over here. Unfortunately, I do not have my comments. I apologize to everyone who has left a comment. Please know that I still will keep your links in place. I am still working on getting those up and running.

Blogger is currently having technical difficulties and it is affecting my blog. I cannot always publish things or update my template. So I am having troubles getting the links added. They will be up as soon as I can get them up.

In the meantime, I will try posting – but I am not sure it will always work. Please bear with me as Blogger fixes this problem.

Thanks for stopping by!
