:::: MENU ::::

Finance Charges Paid in March – $417.49


I’ve decided to add another section to my monthly reporting – finance charges. It’s one that not everyone may pay a lot of attention to unless they are keeping track of where their dollars are going. And when you do keep track – oh my…it is an eye opener.

It is so sad to see that I spent $417.49 in finance charges for March. But, by golly – it is so good to have it right in my face. I am ready to look this beast in the eye and defeat it (sorry – getting myself all pumped up here – think of the “Eye of the Tiger” song playing in the background as you review the report 🙂

Technorati Tags: finance+charges, credit+cards

I’ve Added a pfblogs.org Blogroll


While checking out www.pfblogs.org I discovered that they now have their own blogroll!!

If you haven’t heard of pfblogs.org yet, make sure you check them out and check out their new blogroll. It’s super easy to add to your own blog 🙂

Technorati Tag: blogroll