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Posts tagged with: sticking to a budget

The Housing Market is Busy


In the last few weeks, the number of calls on the house have picked up dramatically. With the fresh paint, greener outside, reduced price, and increased requests for showings, I am certain the right family will see the house. Or a investor, I suppose. (In fact, the couple who viewed it this past week are supposed to put in an offer. Their realtor called me after the showing. But nothing yet.)

I’ve turned down more showings than I’ve accepted lately due to my availability to get the dogs out of the house. Work and mother/daughter responsibilities have picked up significantly as well.

I wrote a summary of the house situation not to long ago.

Here’s where we are now…

The electric work was completed on Thursday. And the electrician has committed to addressing anything an inspection might bring up at no additional charge. Yeah for that. At the time of writing this, I don’t have the final bill, but it should come in around $1,200.

The interior painting is still in progress. I’m very grateful that my contractor is squeezing me in around other jobs. He’s the same man who has helped me throughout my ownership of this house and I trust him implicitly. That, in and of itself, is worth it’s weight in gold. He is charging me $1,200 for labor and the supplies cost me $278. He has agreed to take a partial payment now. And I will pay the rest when the house sells or sooner.

As soon as the painting is complete, a realtor, a different one that the one I originally chose, is taking over the listing.

I will move out completely the weekend of May 1 and the dogs will be boarded. My stuff will be in my car or in storage. I am taking my plants to Princess apartment for the time being.

The family will be in Georgia for through Mother’s Day. Then I will pick up the dogs from the kennel and head to Texas.


In addition to the mental challenges of this season of life, I have now been physically sick for over three months. First the cough that wouldn’t quit, then the flu, and now, it seems like I’ve suddenly developed seasonal allergies. Or have a terrible cold that just won’t go away.

I have no energy, can barely breathe, and don’t sleep well. Getting the house off my plate and getting some stability in Texas will help my physical recovery…I hope.

Wedding and Graduation on my mind


This weekend the “Bride Tribe” will gather to shop for wedding dresses and bridesmaid dresses. So exciting! This is my first time ever participating in any of these type of activities. Beauty has also given me direction on what I will need to wear to her wedding. But I have time to sort that out.

At the same time, I am working through ideas for a family week/graduation celebration just over a month from now. It’s a busy season.


Beauty and her fiancé are covering the costs of their wedding and have not asked for anything from me. But I do want to contribute in some form or fashion. Not sure what that will look like. They are getting married in October.

They’ve chosen the date, venue (my grandmother’s home), she handmade her invitations and sent them out, and she will wear my mom’s wedding veil. At least that is the plan now. I think I will gift her a pearl jewelry set that is mine for her to wear and then for her to keep.

I would love any ideas of sentimental ways I could contribute to her special day? My hope is to have some money to help. But thinking several hundred dollars.

Any ideas for me?


In just over a month, all the kids will arrive in Georgia for a family week and graduation celebration for Princess. Extended family from Texas will also be flying in for a few days.

We’ve booked two hotel suites that will sleep 12 total at $114 per night per room. That cost will be split between us so it’s pretty affordable. (My brother’s girlfriend works for this particular hotel chain so we are getting the friends and family discount.)

I’m trying to figure out where/how to celebrate Princess’ accomplishment. My first thought was the hotel, get a meeting room and decorate. But it’s turned out to be cost prohibitive. So now, I’m looking at restaurants with private rooms where we could gather and eat after her graduation ceremony.

She only gets 4 tickets to the actual ceremony. But the celebration will include other family and local friends.

How have you celebrated your kids graduation? Any specific gift ideas?

After the Texas family leaves, the kids and I will all be crashing at Princess’ apartment to save money. Between her bed, her couch and my car camping mattresses, everyone should have somewhere reasonably comfortable to sleep. Lots of togetherness. I’m really looking forward to us all being together for a few days.

Sidenote: Before you ask, we anticipate the house will be sold by this date. But even if it isn’t, it is too far from her school to make it worth using it for the celebration. It will also have no furniture as I am moving completely out by the end of April in preparation for leaving for Texas after Princess graduates.


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