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Posts tagged with: Student Loans

Car Camping


I realize that my choices are not for everyone. People here at BAD hate my kitchen remodel, couldn’t believe that I chose to homeschool my kids, never liked that I chose contract work over a corporate career, and I help my kids too much, etc. I could probably list a dozen other of my decisions that the BAD community has not liked about my choices.

And there are probably 1/2 of those that in hindsight, you were right about. Way too many cars, too much money/efforts spent on kids’ activities, etc. I definitely have made more than my share of screw ups.

But here’s the deal. For the first time in, well, as long as I can remember, I am on the cusp of what I cherish most. Freedom.

What’s in my favor

As I work toward selling my house and moving into my car, these are the things I believe are in my favor:

  1. Almost all if not absolutely all of my debt will be paid off with the sale of my house. *these numbers are dependent on how much my sells for, but I’ve got a plan for this and #2 based on that amount
  2. I will also have some money put away for when I do settle again. *these numbers are dependent on how much my sells for, but I’ve got a plan for this and #1 based on that amount
  3. I can easily live on what I am bringing in now after my debt is paid off, my mortgage is closed, and I no longer have utility bills.
  4. My car is paid off. It’s been well maintained. And there is no reason that I can’t go another 100K miles with just regular maintenance costs. This is wholly economical and gives me what I need to have the freedom to go and see the world, or at least the United States.

What about your family, your future

  1. My kids are all wholly independent and making wise financial choices. (I did something right.)
  2. I can help my mom and dad during her final time her on earth without the constant need to return back to Georgia.
  3. When I do decide to settle again, and I truly don’t have any clue where or when that could be, I will have everything (outside of a bed) to set home back up. I realize many of you think $79 for storage is crazy in this situation. But there are just things that I will not get rid of. And I won’t apologize for that.
  4. I can travel to my hearts content. Something else the BAD community has had issue with. I’ve tried out car camping over the last two years multiple times. I’ve read up on everything. I’ve planned extensively for what I need in my car and what I don’t. Starting when the must haves and a list for “future” should it become a longer term thing.

What’s the plan

Do I plan to see my family and spend time with them in Texas? Yes, absolutely. Especially while my mom is still living, so I can give my siblings and dad a break. They have been her full time care givers for almost 5 years now. (She’s been on hospice for 2 1/2 years now requiring 24 hour, complete care.)

Will I be able to contribute, yes. I will cook and make sure my dad eats real food. I will give my dad much needed breaks from the house. Have I asked and discussed ad nauseum these expectations with my dad, yes.

It won’t be easy. But we’ve already discussed me taking breaks and travelling for weeks or months at a time. My car is set up. I’ll share more on that later.

I will have two dogs with me. This is planned for. And they enjoy life on the road. (We didn’t think Cali would live into this year. But until it’s her time to go, she will stay with me.)

It’s not for everyone. It’s not forever. It’s not chaos. It’s exactly the type of adventure that I have longed for, for years, if not decades now.

Free at last

And I will be debt free. And staying debt free. Isn’t that what you want for me to do? This is the quickest route there.

Finding Opie a Home


Opie’s Backstory

Opie is one of two dogs that I adopted on my last day at my dream job. I was completely devastated and my confidence shattered when I was given from that job. I remember that day clearly. I’m feeling sorry for myself, scrolling Facebook, and our local shelter posts a we are over capacity and are going to have to make room kind of post. I grabbed Gymnast and said, let’s go.

We came home with two dogs, Opie, and puppy Syza. Terrible, terrible decision making on my part. I know this. (And not the first time I went overboard. When I went to get a dog after we moved into this rental home and got permission from the landlord, I came home with 3.) I truly do think I have learned now.

dog opie standing outside on the deck

Back to Opie. He is a German Shepherd mix, about 50 lbs, was about 1 1/2 years old at the time, and heartworm positive. And he was/is scared of everything. But he is crazy smart and super trainable when you are consistent.

(Before I go on, my sister actually came through a year-ish or so ago and took Syza. She had to put down her first fur baby due to old age, and so she wanted a playmate for her other dog. Syza was the perfect temperament and size for her home. And we had house broken and and done basic training. They are living happily ever after together.)

The Now

As I have faced the very reality of not having a home for a while, I knew Opie would need a new home. He’s a very active dog. He prefers to be outdoors no matter the weather. And long periods in the car, anticipating car camping and living for several months at a time. It would just not be a good fit for him.

So the kids and I put it out there to our friends and family networks about Opie wanting a new home. When Beauty and her fiancee moved into their new rental home after Thanksgiving, they decided they wanted him. They literally showed up Christmas Day and said, we want Opie and they took him home. (They already have one outside dog.)

It wasn’t a good fit for whatever reason, and he was back in a week. (No fault of his own.) So we just kept asking.

Lo and behold, a family at our church with two middle school aged boys have been looking for this exact dog – outside, houesebroken, well trained, no aggression, etc. They have a fenced yard. And a strong desire for an active dog. And the mama wanted a beautiful dog. Opie fits the bill to a T.

We’ve been slowly transitioning him. I went over the first day and spent a whole afternoon with the family and him in the backyard. Then again, the next day I stayed about an hour, then left him with them, picking him up at dark. Again and again as he got more comfortable. And they learned about how to handle a dog. He is their first.

Making it official

And tonight (well, as I’m writing this), he will go for a sleep over. Their mama has even come around to letting him sleep in the boys’ room with them. She’s been amazed at how “clean” he is. And no, I haven’t bathed him between visits.

We have already planned a few more visits next week, even taking my two girl dogs over to hang out with them. We want to make sure he is secure and happy. But they literally live a mile from me. I could not have asked for a better family for him…even better than me.

But after tonight, I believe he will stay there full time. However, we are both committed (the family and me, that is) to making this transition as stress free and as easy on him as possible. But it is so clear how much they already love this dog. And as he settles, I know he will love them too. Especially with two boys to grow up with.