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Posts tagged with: work-from-home Mom

March, 2025 Goals – Treading Water


As of today, I now need to make $3,555 this month to pay the bills. It’s doable. I’ve got the work lined up.

I realize this gives many of the BAD community heartburn. I suppose it does me as well. But I am used to it.

With the work lined up to cover this month’s bills. These are my other financial goals for this month…

No or Little Discretionary Spending

As of today, I will spend the entirety of this month in Texas. I have budgeted $250 for food, gas, and dog expenses. (This is included in the total mentioned above.) It’s what I would have budgeted if I were at home. My goal is to spend as little of this as possible. Whatever is not spent, will go to a debt payment at the end of the month OR be put to next month’s bills should I not have work lined up by the end of the month.

Most if not all of my time in Texas will be spent with family. My sister wants us to go camping, car camping for me. I’m pretty sure she knows free places to camp. And my baby brother is having a house warming at his new place, so I’ll buy him a plant or something. But otherwise, I’ll be with my mom and dad. I don’t anticipate the need to spend much money. (I’ve explained before that my dad buys all the food while I’m here, and I do the cooking.)

Increase Income

I was able to capture the four ongoing contracts that I am working on with a very focused week of job seeking, rather contract seeking. I’m working approximately 20ish hours per week. It does fluctuate based on what each client needs. I’d like to double my contracts by the end of the month with an increase in hourly rate. (My current contracts range from $20-$60 per hour with the site taking 10% as a contract fee.)

screenshot of Upwork contracts

Because I was starting over after almost 4 years off my normal platforms, I took on some lower budget clients to get started. Any work increases your stats on the platform. This has paid off in getting me ranked again which puts me in front of more clients. Now I need to be more discretionary with the project budgets I accept.

Am I explaining that well?

I plan to spend several hours each week focused solely on submitting proposals and following up on project leads. The goal is to increase my monthly income from around $6K to $12K.

Looking into the Past

Because of my illness for most of the first two months of this year, I failed to properly re-launch my consulting business. My goal is to complete the work on not 1, not 2, but 3 of my personal websites plus a variety of landing pages to do a proper re-launch including social campaigns, some small ad campaigns, and a very targeted email campaign to past clients.

Thankfully this is going to be enhanced, I think, by having completed a good handful of new client websites in the last 3 months. I’ll have a solid, recent portfolio to showcase along with new client testimonials. (At least, that is the goal. I actually have to finish a couple of the sites still, but they are on track.) If I have to use old portfolio sites, I will, but would rather use the new ones.

Looking Forward

I don’t know what comes after this month. So there’s no planning or prepping – a very weird place for me to be. It’s just a heads down month trying to tread water and dig out. No distractions.



No Debt Update and Why 3 Months?


I really appreciate the BAD community’s guidance when it comes to listing my house in the best light. But I will say, I never want to have to move out of a house or sell another house as long as I live. The next home…well, it better be the one I plan to die in.

Today I close up the house, leaving it ready for my realtor to sell, and hit the road. I’ve spent hours walking these empty rooms. And doing a fair bit of talking to God and crying. I still don’t know if this is the right decision.

Front of Hope's house circa Oct, 2023

Hope’s house circa Oct, 2023

As excited as I am about the possibility of getting to adventure and travel for a while, this house is home. I made it exactly what I wanted. Saying good bye to it, possibly forever is hard. But I am leaving this is God’s hands. If it sells, I go. If it doesn’t, I come back and I stay.

Debt Update

Needless to say, with the rebuilding of my income and the costs of getting the house ready to sell, I’ve not paid anything to debt the last two months. However, all of my bills are paid including minimum debt payments. I have maxed out my credit cards though. Ugh!

Credit card debt $15,800.

The good news is that if the house sells. That debt will be wiped out immediately. But for now, all open credit cards are maxed out. Minimum payments paid. But there is no room left. (Ok, I take that back, I have about $800 available, but it’s for the most dire of emergencies only.)

If it Doesn’t Sell

The BAD community has been very clear that selling the house is stupid. I don’t agree. I will almost immediately be out of debt (almost completely), be free of the responsibility of maintaining a home that is just way too much for me, and have a real chance to choose what is next for me. (I still have no idea what I want that to be.)

However, there is a very real possibility that the house doesn’t sell. And I am, or am trying to be mentally prepared for that possibility. I don’t think I won’t get offers. I’ve already had a few. But I do have a firm amount I’m willing to settle for.

If I can’t pay off the debt and have a “nest” egg for what ever is next. It does not make sense. And I will see that as a sign that I am supposed to stay here and figure something out. I have kept that in mind with what I’ve done to prepare to sell by not doing anything I would want to undo should I find myself living here again.

But my 3 month term with the realtor is because of this. This process has about killed me, in many ways. And I can’t stand the limbo of what’s next much longer. So I’m giving the house sell 3 months. If it doesn’t sell, I will take it off the market and resolve to build some sort of life here. Again.

This will be my last house post until something actually happens as far it sells or I decide to move back in. 

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